Location: Changyang, 湖北长阳 Hubei Province
Number of Students: 32
Number of Teachers: 2
Per Capita Income: ¥492/S60 (1996)
Tuition & Fees: ¥230/$28
Projects: Chestnut & Herbs Nursery 板栗草药苗圃
Project developments:
Read West Plain Story by Phelex saff
by Phelex staff
I brought the Phelex Foundation's donations to Xiping Elementary School of Langping town, Changyang County, Hubei province for building a planned sustainable production field in order to aid needy children's elementary education in the winter 5 years ago.
The school is located in Xiping village, which is in the depth of the mountain named ‘Ping', actually just a peak full of grotesque rocks with an altitude of 1800 meters, 380 km from Wuhan City . There is no highway from Langping Town to Xiping, one can only arrive at Xiping village by walking more than 15 km along the river road and climbing over 2 mountains.
Xiping, big mountains, small population and barren land, nearly hundred families with a population of 347 live in 11 sq meters of land. Villagers make a living on growing potatoes and tobacco. One third of villagers cannot make production investment, one or two peasants even difficult in buying salt. There is one elementary school in the village, implemented the repeated teaching in grade 1-4. The only teacher of the school, Xiuzhang Xiang has been leading groups of children to pick up edible wild vegetables and herbs for supporting their schooling over the past nine years. Teacher Xiang locked some brief notes as the following in his wood cabinet:
In 1995 Farming tuition aid field list: dribbling black mushroom seeds on 210 trunks and 47 jiao of Tianma (a type of herb 天麻) , picking and transplanting 170 heads of wild Osmunda (薇菜), planting one fen of Codonopsis (党参) and two fen of tea.
In the autumn of 1996, more tuition aid was generated: ¥120 Yuan from black mushroom, ¥690 from Tianma, ¥100 from osmund (Weicai), ¥50 from Dangshen, ¥50 Yuan from tea ¥1010 in total.
In 1997 autumn, tuition aid was disbursed to the following children: ¥60 each, ¥240 in total including Dandan Han, Kaimei Wang, Donghua Su, Peng Peng; ¥30 each, ¥300 in total including Haitao Tan, Lirong Zhou, Aiqun Yuan, Qingjin Qin, Hongmei Tan, Bing Li, Haiyan Zhang, Wannian Xiang, Daolan Qin and Yunyang Li.
There has never been single one needy child giving up schooling for ten years in this village where the average annual earnings per capita was less than ?400 Yuan. The children who got out of the mountain and went to higher schools would be presented a towel, a water pan, a pair of running shoes and a notebook unexceptionally.
During my trip, Xiping was covered with the snow; villagers, the teacher and pupils earnestly planed their hearten idea “the bank on the mountain, the school under the mountain” by the side of oil lamp and bonfire. They spent few days in drawing a practical and comprehensive scheme and put into practice. The program developed 10-mu wasteland, planted 689 chestnut saplings while 100 jiao of Tianma, dribbled seeding 1000 trunks of black mushroom and opened up one-mu tea garden. The enthusiasm from the tuition aid program was melting the snow in people's hearts. Teacher Xiuzhang Xiang and Shanglian Qin, the village secretary led quietly the villagers and children to launch the creation of “Green Bank”.
Later, my colleague took over the program follow-up and I have never been back to Xiping ever since. We keep in touch with Xiping mainly by 3-month-round mails. With our common efforts the program developed healthily and set up a set of feasible, transparent and open financial systems. In the summer of 2000, teacher Xiuzhang Xiang was invited to be on the Seminar about Rural Community Council tuition Assistance and told the Xiping story to nearly a hundred of rural teachers, community volunteers and local officials from all over the country. Teacher Xiang brought a pile of accounting books recorded carefully and clearly the income and expenses, and the distribution of tuition aid funds of the 1998 program, the 1999 program and the 2000 program.
In 2000 Xiping Elementary School became financially self-sufficient for the first time. The net income of the tuition program reached ?6732 Yuan funding 32 children for their tuition fees of the whole year. All school children went to school for free. The school established its own library for children, changed some desks and purchased 20 pieces of teaching tools.
I received another letter from teacher Xiang dated one month ago. Looking at the wrinkles on the envelope I knew some villager brought this letter out of the village and posted at the town. A piece of cleanness, piles of bonfire and groups of people I recalled again. We deeply keep in mind that they lead a hard and simple life, stay calmness and insistence. It teaches us to be true, modest, self-discipline, and never frivolous and self-renouncing.
1、 组织领导落实。一是成立了实施领导小组,由村党支部书记秦尚连同志任组长,榔坪镇教育组干部李永国同志任副主组长,我和村民及家长代表等7人为成员。签订了实施目标责任制。二是聘请县教研室向贤陆同志为技术顾问。具体指导、督查方案的实施。
2、 基地落实。在村党支部、村委会的直接领导下,1997年秋将学校屋后的十亩荒山无偿地划给了学校,并在县土管局办理了土地使用证书。其经营权永归学校所有。
3、 规划落实。学校总的目标是奋战六年,实现“山上是银行、山下是学堂”的目标。前期工程分三阶段实施,第一阶段为起步阶段〈即1997年至1998年〉完成征地和创收项目;第二阶段为巩固阶段〈即1999年至2000年〉实现部分项目初见成效,给学生减免50%的费用;第三阶段为完善阶段〈即2001年至2003年〉让学生全部免费入学。
4、 项目落实。我校实施的主要创收项目有:①板栗基地10亩,已经完成开荒、挖窝(一米见方)、上肥土和育苗的任务。共计栽板栗树苗689棵。目前成活良好。②套种天麻100窖,每年翻窖一次,已全部套种下土。③每年种香菇一千桐以上,去秋今春实种1500桐。④发展茶叶一亩,已种茶籽0.5亩。
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