Location: Heyang, 陕西合阳 Shananxi Province
Number of Students: 432
Number of Teachers: 25
Per Capita Income: ¥1500/$208.30 (2007)
Tuition & Fees: ¥80/$11 ×
*Recent government policy regulates that all mandatory school age children pay no tuition excluding textbook and boarding fees.
Projects: UPM-KYMMENE Water Well Project 芬欧汇川打井项目
Pozhao Elementary School is located in Xinchi Town, Heyang District in Shaanxi Province, Pozhao Village; 195 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Xian. For twenty-eight years, villagers have had to purchase their daily water from sources five kilometers away in neighboring villages. The need for water is dire, as the shortage has made life excruciatingly difficult. Agricultural technology is primitive, and per capita annual income is less than 1500 RMB. Even so, the Pozhao school district serves a population 9,000, enrolling students from six neighboring villages – 37 percent of students' family have financial difficulties.
Project Specifications:
The project provides funds for drilling a well that can be easily accessed by the whole village, while villagers pay less than half of what they pay currently for water the school receives a sustainable source of income. UPM and Heyang District Waterworks have donated RMB300,000 and RMB250,000 respectively. The villagers have also contributed RMB200,000 to the project, as well as labor hours worth of RMB33,000.
Project Chronicle:
捐资建立供水工程,为学校及社区人畜提供清洁的饮用水,同时为学校建立长久的收益来源。芬欧汇川集团作为公司赞助商捐助300,000元;陕西省合阳县水务局提供配套资金 250,000元;社区议事会向民众募集资金200,000元;村民义务出工折价33,000元。
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